Saint Catherine’s Hospice – Your Experience Matters old

Please tell us what you think about the care you’ve received from Saint Catherine’s…

1. I am

3. I feel that care was coordinated between the different services.

4. I feel I/we were communicated with and treated with respect

5. I feel that information was presented clearly, in a way I/we could understand

6. I feel the staff made time to listen to me/us and answer questions

7. I feel I/we were involved in making decisions about care or support

8. I feel the services provided met my needs, preferences and wishes

9. I felt able to ask questions or raise concerns

10. I feel the environment in which care was provided was appropriate for my needs; physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, culturally or sexuality

11. I feel that my/our privacy and dignity were respected at all times

14. I/we would rate this service as:

If you are happy to share your story please provide your name and preferred contact details:

I want to share my story

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