Lottery Winners’ Stories

Everyone always thinks “Oh it’ll never happen to me!”, but these Saint Catherine’s Lottery winners are proof that it really can happen to anyone!

Playing the Saint Catherine’s Lottery is a great way to support your local hospice, while being able to win a great prize in return – it’s a win-win! What’s better is you can now sign up online with our easy-to-use sign up page.


Michael scooped an amazing £1,500 on the Saint Catherine’s lottery and was over the moon!

 He said: “I decided to join the lottery when I was at a function at Saint Catherine’s and I was asked by one of the ladies to join.

“I think that Saint Catherine’s is wonderful. I did it to support my late wife who was at the hospice at the time. I’m very excited to win – I haven’t won anything in my life and I’ll share some of the money with my family.”


Dawn took home the top prize of £1,500 on the Saint Catherine’s lottery!

She said: “Wow! I have won the Saint Catherine’s lottery. I choose to do the Saint Catherine’s lottery rather than the National Lottery as it is local and supports local people and their families.

Over the years I have participated in the lottery I have had a few smaller wins but this one was the big one.  I intend to donate a percentage back to Saint Catherine’s and spoil myself with the rest.

Thank you Saint Catherine’s lottery!”


Sandra is over the moon with the ‘surprising news’ that she won £1,500 on the Saint Catherine’s lottery!

She said: “I decided to join the lottery several years ago as I had experience of your care given to close family and also some very dear friends. The care also took into account the relatives/friends of your patients which was impressive. 

I think Saint Catherine’s is a great organisation which needs support as it supports the people of the borough at a time when their need is great.”


Heather said she was ‘taken aback’ when she received the call to say she had won £3,500 on the Saint Catherine’s lottery!

She said: “I became more aware of the wonderful work of Saint Catherine’s when my Mum (who along with my Dad was a supporter), spent her last couple of days there.  She was well looked after – we all were – & I’ve since been keen to help raise funds.  I wish there were more beds so that my Mum could’ve gone there sooner.  In fact I wish everyone had the option to end their days in the peace and comfort of a hospice. 


Steve was ‘astounded’ to win an amazing £11,500 through the Saint Catherine’s lottery!

He said: “I had a big win a few years ago of £2,000 and spent it all on Premium Bonds for my kids and grandkids, who then went on to have some smaller wins themselves – so the luck was passed on!”


Melanie scooped £1,500 on the Saint Catherine’s lottery!

“I am so happy to support the hospice. My father was looked after by Saint Catherine’s in 2011 and passed away peacefully there. My sister and I will always be grateful for the fabulous care (and food!) he received from the staff and volunteers and for the joined-up way the hospice – and related services – operates. This made a rubbish situation bearable. Thank you.” 


Jackie won big on the Saint Catherine’s lottery just in time for Christmas!

“It’s absolutely amazing to win – and just before Christmas as well! I’m going to share it with my three children. I am quite lucky generally, but if I ever win on the lottery it’s usually just £10.”


Michele, of Sherburn, was both shocked and delighted to win the weekly jackpot!

“When I got the call to say I’d won I couldn’t believe it. I’d just had a massive car bill and the car insurance was due! I’ll probably have a weekend away with my husband too. “


Lesley Taylor had been playing the lottery for 20 years and was ‘dumbfounded’ to discover she’d won.

“It’s such a small amount each week – not even the price of a coffee in town – and it feels like I’m doing my bit towards helping people”


Retired teacher John Ward, of Filey, was delighted to win the weekly £1,500 1st prize.

“I think Saint Catherine’s does a wonderful job and I’ve been supporting them for many years now.”

John’s winnings will go towards a trip away for him and his wife.


David Senior of Pickering had only been playing a few weeks when he struck it lucky and got the top prize.

“This is the biggest win I’ve ever had – I’m over the moon!” – he added that the win will go towards a holiday in Spain with his wife Hannah and daughter Amelia (pictured).

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